(CA54) - Government funding rate



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      Closing Maximum Minimum Traded Volume
Same day of the previous year */ 04/21/2023 54,175.2800 54,468.6100 53,662.9100 197,285.6500
End of previous year 12/29/2023 57,386.2500 57,522.9500 57,178.4700 95,092.8800
month 03/27/2024 57,369.0100 57,599.0800 57,007.5500 159,201.1000
Previous five banking business days 04/16/2024 55,797.2500 56,148.0000 55,626.7500 255,701.5000
04/17/2024 55,415.6900 56,090.3200 55,383.2500 282,809.1800
04/18/2024 55,739.4300 55,941.6200 55,585.8200 239,359.0100
04/19/2024 55,862.8500 56,036.7200 55,579.6900 167,742.7900
04/22/2024 56,551.9000 56,615.8800 55,771.5500 223,695.1700
Last observation 04/23/2024 56,633.7500 56,906.8000 56,300.3600 256,714.6800

*/ In case of a non working day, the previous business banking day is reported.
1/ The Mexican Stock Market Index (Indice de Precios y Cotizaciones, or IPC) is an indicator of the overall performance of the Mexican Stock Exchange. For a detailed explanation see the Mexican Stock Exchange's Web Page