Civil servants authorized to sign documents

This section includes the names of central bank civil servants, which have been granted powers to perform the duties established by Banco de México's Bylaws.

The information displayed herein has been structured pursuant to Banco de México's Bylaws, the Banco de México Administrative Units Ascription Agreement (Acuerdo de Adscripción de las Unidades Administrativas del Banco de México) and the Resolutions under which Banco de México's civil servants are granted powers.

If you need to know the signature of a civil servant as a result of a legal proceeding or a legally binding relation with Banco de México, please submit your request in writing to the following address: Av. 5 de Mayo N° 2, Col. Centro, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06000, Ciudad de México, to the attention of: Gerencia de Control Normativo (Internal Regulatory Control Division), Banco de México. You must provide a reason and the corresponding legal interest that supports your request. The Control Regulations Manager will evaluate it and issue a response.