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BPAT outstanding as of April 23, 2024
(Amount in millions of pesos at face value)
Maturity date Total stock by placement = IPAB
securities outstanding 1/
Repos with Banxico 2/ Guarantees received by Banxico 3/ Stripped amount 4/ Securities bought by Banxico 5/ Days to maturity Coupons to maturity Coupon term Days passed of current coupon Coupon rate 6/
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - - - -
1/ Represents the amount, at face value, of securities placed through primary auctions, exchange of securities or any other means, less those securities that have been withdrawn from circulation by any early maturity (ie repurchase, exchange of securities, etc.).
2/ Represents the net position of the securities that Banco de México receives through repurchase agreements with the financial intermediaries. A positive sign (negative) indicates that the central bank received (delivered) securities through repurchase agreements to provide (withdraw) liquidity to (from) the system.
3/ Represents the securities delivered by the financial institutions to Banco de México in order to collateralize lending securities operations, loans denominated in U.S. dollars, foreign exchange hedging operations and liquidity or deposit auctions. The securities lending facility to market makers is ruled by the numerals 4.2.3 and 7.2 of the Oficio 305.- 027/2011 issued by the Ministry of Finance (SHCP) on January 27, 2011 and its subsequent modifications which can be found in this link. Loans denominated in U.S. dollars are granted to financial institutions according to the Circular 8/2009 issued by Banco de México on April 15, 2009. Foreign exchange hedging operations are granted by financial institutions according to the Circular 3/2017 issued by Banco de México on February 24, 2017. Special collaterals for liquidity or deposit auctions are established by the Circular 9/2019 issued by Banco de México on June 13, 2019.
4/ Represents the face value of the principal of those securities that have been stripped (the corresponding coupons are not included in this amount).
5/ On October 30, 2008, Banco de México announced in the Circular 52/2008 (revoked for the Circular 5/2012) that it would undertake repurchases of IPAB securities in order to promote the healthy development of the financial system. This column indicates the amount outstanding of these repurchases. It should be noted that these securities are included in the Total stock by placement.
6/ The coupon rate is floating and is revised in periods equal to those of the 91 day Cetes. The rate presented corresponds to the current coupon period.