Database for Local Labor Markets Analysis in Mexico
In order to have information to analyze local labor markets (MTL) in Mexico, data sets were constructed at the local labor market level. The microdata from the expanded questionnaire of the Population and Housing Censuses and the 2015 Intercensal Count were homologated. Then, the microdata were grouped at the local labor market level. In these data, municipalities linked between them by conmmuting are considered as members of the same unit of analysis.
Explanation and background of the information
Local labor markets in Mexico: definition, databases, and descriptive analysis
Documentation and methodology
Methodological note
Data dictionary
Variable catalogs
Code to generate aggregates
Data (Available only in spanish)
Registration required
Individual, ZIP compressed DTA format
Registration required
Individual, ZIP compressed TXT format
Registration required
Dwellings, ZIP compressed DTA format
Registration required
Dwellings, ZIP compressed TXT format
Aggregates at the Local Labor Market level
Registration required
Aggregates at the Local Labor Market level, ZIP compressed DTA format
Registration required
Aggregates at the Local Labor Market level, ZIP compressed TXT format
Correspondence between municipalities and MTL
Registration required
Correspondence between municipalities and MTL, ZIP compressed DTA format
Registration required
Correspondence between municipalities and MTL, ZIP compressed CSV format
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