1/ The overnight TIIE funding rate is calculated by Banco de México using one day repo operations on government securities traded by banks and brokerage firms in the wholesale market settled through INDEVAL's DVP system.
2/The Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate (TIIE) is calculated by Banco de México using commercial bank quotes as stipulated in the Official Gazette of March 2nd 2012. For a complete description of its calculation procedure see the provisions issued by Banco de México and the Official Gazzete in the regulatory document 3/2012.
3/The 28 day average interbank interest rate (TIIP) was first calculated on January 1993, according to the provisions issued by Banco de México (Circular telefax 1996/93) and stopped being published on December 31, 2001, as stipulated in the Official Gazette of May 23, 2001.
4/Interest rate determined every banking day by Reuters with quotes on offered inter-bank deposits given by domestic commercial banks. For more information consult the Internet web page of the Mexican Banking Association. This rate stopped being published on April 11th, 2007.
5/Representative interest rate on one day repo and one-day outright operations with certificates of deposit, bank notes and banker's acceptances, traded by banks and brokerage firms in the wholesale market settled through the delivery versus payment system in INDEVAL (securities clearing house).
6/Representative interest rate on one-day repo operations on government securities traded by banks and brokerage firms in the wholesale market settled through the delivery versus payment system in INDEVAL (securities clearing house).