(CA453) - Domestic financial assets



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Domestic Financial Assets

Concept MXN billion Changes in MXN billion Real annual change in percent
Nov-2023 Dec-2023 Dec-2023 Nov-2024 Dec-2024 Dec-2023 Nov-2024 Nov-2023 Dec-2023
Dec-2024 Dec-2024 Nov-2024 Dec-2024
Domestic Financial Assets
     F1 = M3+ 24,849.9 25,243.4 25,243.4 28,242.9 28,472.7 3,229.3 229.8 8.7 8.2
         Non-monetary instruments held by residents 8,884.5 9,047.7 9,047.7 10,239.4 10,185.7 1,138.0 -53.7 10.2 8.0
             Savings funds for housing and retirement 7,956.6 8,113.8 8,113.8 9,275.9 9,197.4 1,083.7 -78.5 11.5 8.8
                 Housing 2,082.7 2,087.7 2,087.7 2,319.9 2,313.7 225.9 -6.2 6.5 6.3
                     Infonavit 1,835.9 1,841.8 1,841.8 2,058.5 2,053.6 211.7 -4.9 7.2 7.0
                     Fovissste 246.8 245.9 245.9 261.4 260.1 14.2 -1.3 1.3 1.5
                 Retirement 5,873.9 6,026.0 6,026.0 6,956.1 6,883.8 857.7 -72.3 13.3 9.6
                     Siefores shares 1/ 5,574.8 5,741.8 5,741.8 6,594.7 6,528.4 786.6 -66.3 13.1 9.1
                     In Banco de México 2/ 189.8 188.2 188.2 261.8 268.8 80.6 7.0 32.0 37.0
                     ISSSTE Pension Bond 3/ 109.4 96.0 96.0 99.5 86.6 -9.4 -12.9 -13.0 -13.5
             Private sector securities  4/ 358.1 359.8 359.8 408.4 413.2 53.3 4.8 9.1 10.2
             Other public securities 5/ 460.2 458.0 458.0 396.4 410.3 -47.7 13.9 -17.6 -14.0
             Other bank liabilities 6/ 109.6 116.1 116.1 158.7 164.7 48.7 6.1 38.5 36.2
     F2 = F1 + 31,770.5 32,592.1 32,592.1 35,134.7 35,316.9 2,724.9 182.2 5.8 4.0
         Shares and other equities held by residents 6,920.6 7,348.6 7,348.6 6,891.8 6,844.2 -504.4 -47.6 -4.7 -10.6
             Equity shares issued by private enterprises in the stock exchange 5,923.5 6,291.5 6,291.5 5,587.7 5,520.2 -771.3 -67.5 -9.8 -15.8
             Others 7/ 997.0 1,057.2 1,057.2 1,304.1 1,324.0 266.8 19.9 25.1 20.2
     FNR = Domestic financial assets held by non-residents 4,899.0 5,145.5 5,145.5 4,720.9 4,755.0 -390.4 34.1 -7.8 -11.3
         Monetary instruments 8/ 1,754.6 1,827.3 1,827.3 1,795.8 1,858.3 31.0 62.6 -2.1 -2.4
         Non-monetary instruments 3,144.4 3,318.1 3,318.1 2,925.1 2,896.7 -421.4 -28.4 -11.0 -16.2
             Shares and other equities 3,006.7 3,173.7 3,173.7 2,748.1 2,720.9 -452.7 -27.2 -12.6 -17.7
              Equity shares issued by private enterprises in the stock exchange 2,802.0 2,957.0 2,957.0 2,560.1 2,531.3 -425.7 -28.8 -12.6 -17.9
               Others 7/ 204.7 216.7 216.7 188.0 189.6 -27.0 1.6 -12.1 -16.0
             Private sector securities  4/ 17.9 18.6 18.6 21.3 21.6 3.0 0.4 13.7 11.4
             Other public securities 5/ 26.6 27.4 27.4 11.5 11.6 -15.8 0.0 -58.6 -59.4
             Other bank liabilities 6/ 93.1 98.5 98.5 144.2 142.5 44.1 -1.6 48.1 38.9
     F (Total) =  (F2 + FNR) 36,669.4 37,737.5 37,737.5 39,855.6 40,072.0 2,334.4 216.4 4.0 1.9

1/ Net assets value of Basic Siefores.
2/ Include the resources of the Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar (FPB for its acronym in Spanish) established on June 13, 2024.
3/ The ISSSTE pension bond is an asset for employees who selected the system of individual accounts, a result of the reform of the ISSSTE law published on march 31, 2007 in the Official Journal of the Federation.
4/ Includes collateralized mortgage obligations, commercial paper, medium and short term promissory notes and other debentures issued by domestic private entities.
5/ Securities issued by local governments and direct and indirect budgetary control state-owned enterprises.
6/ Includes debt securities issued by banks of over five years residual maturity and subordinated debentures.
7/ Other mutual funds shares, real estate fiduciary certificates issued by Fibras and certificates of capital development.   
8/ It is the sum of the monetary instruments held by non-residents and is equivalent to the monetary aggregate M4 minus the monetary aggregate M3.