1/ The exchange rate (FIX) is determined by Banco de Mexico as an average of quotes in the wholesale foreign ex change market for operations payable in 48 hours. Banco de México informs the FIX from 12 o'clock onwards each banking day. It is published in the Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) one banking business day after its determination date, and is used to settle liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars payable in Mexico on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette. To obtain more information regarding this exchange rate see: The Third Title, Chapter V of the regulation 3/2012 from Banco de México (Available only inSpanish).
2/ Exchange rate for wholesale operations among banks, foreign exchange firms, and individuals. It is applicable to settle operations the second banking business day after the trade is negotiated. The "Opening" exchange rate corresponds to 9:00 a.m. As of November 1, 2021, Banco de México modified the methodology for calculating the "Closing" exchange rate, publishing the "Mexican peso closing exchange rate" from that date. Banco de México publishes these exchange rates at 2:10 p.m. Source: Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching.
3/ The minimum and maximum levels are quotes of the price at which participants in the market are willing to sell in the specified observation period (9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.). Source: Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching.
4/ This historical series is published only for analysis and as reference material. It is not intended to be used as an official rate or to settle legal matters, therefore Banco de México does not take any responsibility for its use. The series is calculated in current or "nuevos pesos" (new pesos). The validity of the peso currently in use, came into effect starting January 1, 1993 and one peso is equivalent of 1,000 (one thousand) of those pesos issued before that date. For example, in 1960, the exchange rate was 12.50 pesos per US dollar, which corresponds to .0125 current pesos per dollar. The construction of the series is as follows, from:
a) April 19 of 1954 to August 31 of 1976: Fixed exchange rate of 12.50 pesos (old pesos) per dollar;
b) September 1, 1976 to August 5, 1982: 'Tipo de cambio para operaciones en billete' (exchange rate for operations carried out with bills and coins) (average between bid and ask);
c) August 6 to 31, 1982: 'Tipo de cambio general' (general exchange rate);
d) September 1 to December 19, 1982: 'Tipo de cambio ordinario' (ordinary exchange rate);
e) December 20, 1982 to August 4, 1985: 'Tipo de cambio libre';
f) August 5, 1985 to November 10, 1991: 'Tipo de cambio libre';
g) November 11, 1991 to present: 'Fix' exchange rate (Date of determination).
The purpose of this series is to provide information about the conditions prevalent in the foreign exchange market in the respective dates. Therefore, it is possible that for some periods the monthly average for this series does not exactly match other monthly series published, which may use the exchange rate to settle liabilities that apply in that specific day.
5/ Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate is determined as the weighted average of the exchange rates that occur in a continuous random sample of three minutes within a ten minute window, between 1:55 p.m. and 2:05 p.m. of each banking business day. Banco de México publishes the Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate at 2:10 p.m. every banking business day. Source: Refinitiv FX Pricestream and Matching. For more information on this exchange rate refer to: Methodological Note: DETERMINACIÓN DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO DE CIERRE DE JORNADA