Exchange rate, Mexican pesos per U.S. Dollar
End of period
Exchange rate used to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency1/
Interbank exchange rate 3/
Same day interbank exchange rate
24-hour interbank exchange rate
48-hour interbank exchange rate
Exchange rate to convert stocks in foreign currency from the balance of BdM 4/
Structure observations of Exchange rate to convert stocks in foreign currency from the balance of BdM <sup>4/</sup>
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Exchange rate to convert stocks in foreign currency of the banking sector 5/
Structure observations of Exchange rate to convert stocks in foreign currency of the banking sector <sup>5/</sup>
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate 6/
Structure observations of Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate <sup>6/</sup>
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Dec 2024
1/ The exchange rate (FIX) is determined by Banco de Mexico as an average of quotes in the wholesale foreign exchange market for operations payable in 48 hours. Banco de México informs the FIX from 12 o'clock onwards each banking day. It is published in the Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) one banking business day after its determination date, and is used to settle liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars payable in Mexico on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette. To obtain more information regarding this exchange rate see: The Third Title, Chapter V of the regulation3/2012 from Banco de México (Available only in Spanish)..
2/ The historic exchange rate series is constructed as follows. From January 1960 to August of 1976 it corresponds to the 'Tipo de Cambio Controlado'. From[ September 1976 to June 1977 it registers the 'Tipo de Cambio para Operaciones en Billete en el Mercado'. From July 1977 to the same month of 1982 it consists of the 'Tipo de Cambio para Operaciones en Documento'. During August 1982 it corresponds to the 'Tipo de Cambio Único (mex-dólar)'. For the period from September to November1982 it consists of 'Tipo de Cambio Único Ordinario'. From December 1982 to July 1985 it corresponds to the 'Tipo de Cambio en el Mercado Controlado'. From August 1985 to October 1991 it corresponds to the 'Tipo de Cambio de Flotación Controlada (equilibrio)'. From November 1991 onward it comprises the 'Tipo de Cambio para Solventar Obligaciones Pagaderas en Moneda Extranjera dentro de la República Mexicana'.
3/ Representative exchange rate of wholesale operations between banks, stockbrokerage firms, foreign exchange dealers and other major financial and non financial firms.
4/ This exchange rate is used to convert stocks in foreign currency from the balance of Banco de México. From January 1992 to December 1995 it's composed of the exchange rate used to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency payable in Mexico. From January 1996 onward the 'FIX' exchange rate is used.
5/ In accordance to the regulation issued by the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, in its circular letter 1448, the following exchange rate will be used to convert stocks in foreign currency of commercial and development banks. This data series is composed by the exchange rate to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency payable in Mexico in its settlement date from January 1976 to May 1997, from June 1997 to December 1997 the FIX exchange rate is used. From January 1998 to December 1998 the exchange rate used to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency payable in Mexico in its settlement date is used. And from January 2000 onward the FIX exchange is considered.
6/As of November 1, 2021, Banco de México modified the methodology for calculating the "Closing" exchange rate, publishing the Mexican peso closing exchange rate from that date. For more information on this exchange rate refer to: Methodological Note: DETERMINACIÓN DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO DE CIERRE DE JORNADA .
Source: Banco de México.