(CA18) - 48-hour interbank exchange rate



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Pesos per dollar

     Opening Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate Sell
  Buy Sell Mid-market rate Maximum Minimum
Same day of the previous year */ 02/14/2024 17.1090 17.1140 17.1029 17.1310 17.0930
End of previous year 12/31/2024 20.6895 20.6990 20.8829 20.9100 20.6990
month 01/31/2025 20.6820 20.6920 20.6871 20.7590 20.4610
Previous five banking business days 02/07/2025 20.5210 20.5300 20.5450 20.6300 20.4930
02/10/2025 20.6285 20.6360 20.5979 20.7080 20.5900
02/11/2025 20.6010 20.6100 20.5392 20.6100 20.5050
02/12/2025 20.5420 20.5500 20.5093 20.5750 20.4380
02/13/2025 20.5560 20.5640 20.4780 20.5640 20.4600
Last observation 02/14/2025 20.2765 20.2830 20.3040 20.3400 20.2680

*/ In case of a non working day, the previous business banking day is reported.
1/ Representative exchange rate of wholesale, operations payable in two banking working days, between banks, stockbrokerage firms, foreign exchange dealers and other major financial and non financial firms.
As of November 1, 2021, Banco de México modified the methodology for calculating the "Closing" exchange rate, publishing the "Mexican peso closing exchange rate" from that date. For more information on this exchange rate refer to: Methodological Note: DETERMINACIÓN DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO DE CIERRE DE JORNADA