Exchange Rates
Peso / Dollar
Exchange rate to pay obligations entered into in U.S. dollars payable in México 1/
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Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate 2/
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Exchange Rates
regarding other currencies 3/
Pesos / other currencies
Japanese Yen
Canadian Dollar
Other quotations (monthly basis)
1/ The exchange rate (FIX) is determined by Banco de Mexico as an average of quotes in the wholesale foreign exchange market for operations payable in 48 hours. Banco de México informs the FIX from 12 o'clock onwards each banking day. It is published in the Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) one banking business day after its determination date, and is used to settle liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars payable in Mexico on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette. To obtain more information regarding this exchange rate see: The Third Title, Chapter V of the regulation 3/2012 from Banco de México (Available only in Spanish).  
2/ Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate is determined as the weighted average of the exchange rates that occur in a continuous random sample of three minutes within a ten minute window, between 1:55 p.m. and 2:05 p.m. of each banking business day. Banco de México publishes the Mexican peso closing foreign exchange rate at 2:10 p.m. every banking business day. Source: Refinitiv FX Pricestream and Matching. For more information on this exchange rate refer to: Methodological Note "DETERMINACIÓN DEL TIPO DE CAMBIO DE CIERRE DE JORNADA".
3/ These exchange rates are published by Banco de México for informational purposes only and do not have official validity. Cross-exchange rates, converted into Mexican pesos using Banco de México FIX exchange rate and market-average U.S. dollar equivalents for the euro and Japanese yen, and that are published daily by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Whether it is holiday day in the U.S., and the IMF remains closed, the exchange rates are collected directly from Reuters that is the original source of data used by the aforementioned international financial organization. For the Canadian dollar, the exchange rate is the one published by the Bank of Canada in its official website. Source: IMF, Bank of Canada and Banco de México.